April 24, 2020

BAN Toxics releases report on illegal mercury trading in Mindanao



  • Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) remains the primary source of man-made mercury pollution in the Philippines;
  • Most of the mercury enters the country illegally – UNEP data from 2017 estimate ASGM mercury emissions at around 30,000 to 95,000 kg, despite records stating that only 428 kg of mercury were legally imported by the Philippines;
  • Most miners are unable to stop mercury use due to the inaccessibility of alternative mercury-free technologies, pressure from financers/mercury traders to continue to use the chemical, and lack of knowledge of the risks mercury poses.

Environmental justice group BAN Toxics, in partnership with the International Union for Conservation of Nature – National Committee of the Netherlands (IUCN NL), published a study on the illicit mercury trade in Mindanao, as well as the various governance practices for mercury in the study areas. 
The report is also a part of a global study commissioned by IUCN NL, which highlights similar experiences from developing countries dealing with illicit mercury trade.

The ASGM sector is one of the primary sources of mercury pollution in the Philippines. Mercury has been used in mining to produce gold. It is considered a staple in ASGM communities because of its accessibility and ease of use despite the dangers it poses both to human health and the environment.

The majority of mercury used in ASGM communities in the country believed to enter illegally through Mindanao. The study discusses various modus operandi for trading mercury in the island, and features interviews with various mining and government stakeholders. The study highlights inconsistent Local Government Unit (LGU) monitoring and regulation practices for mercury and ASGM, varying border control practices, allegations of bribery, and the lack of knowledge of authorities regarding mercury and its risks as the primary factors for the proliferation of illicit mercury trade in Mindanao.

The study asserts that mercury use causes health risks, environmental degradation, reduced economic opportunities and is a major factor affecting the formalization of ASGM communities. The study also recommends that regulating agencies should focus on mercury traders instead of miners, seeing as they play a more significant role in the prevalence of mercury use for gold mining.

“The BAN Toxics study further highlights the need for the national government to identify an immediate plan of action to eliminate illicit mercury trade in the country. The numbers are troubling, and the affected communities are growing each day. Local governments and related stakeholders need clear directives on how to deal with the issue,” said Jam Lorenzo from BAN Toxics’ Policy Development and Research Unit.

BAN Toxics urges the government to ratify the Minamata Convention to protect the people and the environment from the negative effects of mercury exposure. The Minamata Convention on Mercury is an international treaty designed to protect human health and the environment from emissions and releases of mercury.


Media Contact:
Melendre Heidyl Dela Torre, Communications Officer, BAN Toxics | +63 917 514 2956

Notes to the editor:
[1] Illicit Mercury Flows and Governance Practices in Mindanao, Philippines
[2] IUCN NL sheds light on the formal and informal mercury trade